Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cookie Monster

Being the domesticated damsel that I am I made cookies for all of us to enjoy to celebrate Nate finishing his paper. After I pulled the first batch out of the oven, silly me set them out on a plate to cool and walked away to go to something. When I got back to the kitchen, lo and behold there was a wee monster in there pounding back cookies like there was no tomorrow. Thank goodness I had my camera and was able to capture footage of this devilish thief.

Pizza Night!

Nate had to do a 8 page paper for school before he went to work last week. He was stressed and I was tired. I'm on a new medication that makes me down right dog tired! Around noon the animals were restless so being the amazing cook that I am, I conjured up the most delicious pizza. Yes, yes I know I'm amazing! I call it Domino's Supremo! Any who, we all enjoyed our pizza! Especially Sadie Ann! She still uses her hair as a napkin...geez!