Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome Lil' John!

Since many, including myself enjoy reading others births stories, I thought I'd share John's. He is a beautiful baby boy for whom Nate and I are extremely grateful.

The night before my induction I was able to get off a little early from work to try and get some sleep (haha). Seeming as it was an elective induction, the possibility of my induction time being pushed back was there, but I was told that it rarely happens. I was awake before my alarm went off, but laid there because I didn't want to call labor and delivery too early. I waited until the alarm sounded and eagerly called the charge nurse. Low and behold, too many women had just walked into triage and my induction time was pushed back from 7am to 9. I was to call again at 8 to make sure I could come in. Well, I then proceeded to cry like a 5 year old who doesn't get the toy they want and took a shower to help ease my tantrum. I was able to sleep until 8 and called again, once again my induction time was pushed back, now to 10. I sat downstairs and pouted until Nate woke up. As soon as he came trotting down the stairs and asked why we were still there, my cell rang. It was the charge nurse telling us to come right on in! We shot out of the house like torpedoes!
Once in L&D and situated in a room I awaited my IV. It took 3 nurses and one lucky shot to get it in, but once in the pitocin was started along with some fluids at about 1130 and we sat and played the waiting game. At 1230 my awesome doctor came in to break my water and we both hoped for a fast labor! I was only a 1 1/2 at that time so fast did not seem to be in the cards for me. At 3 the contractions were finally strong enough that I could no longer breathe through them and asked for a good ol epidural! The CRNA got it in quick and within 15 minutes I was happy to be alive once more. I tried to sleep some and at shift change our new nurse came in and said she would check me in a bit. They didn't want to check me too often as my water was broken and the didn't want to risk infection. About now, baby John decided he didn't like me having contractions anymore and started desating. Our nurse was coming in every few minutes to help re-situate me in hopes of getting his heart rate up. At 730 she checked me and I was only a 3. I felt a little defeated thinking that John was not going to show up until 3am, so again I tried to sleep. Nate was watching a movie and right before it ended I felt some painful pressure. The nurse just so happened to come in then because of John and his desats and I had her check me it was now 845. To all our surprise I was a 7 1/2- 8! We called our parents to get them to the hospital and things took off from there. Fifteen minutes later she checked again and I was a 9, someone ran to call my doc and two other burly nurses came in to flip me onto all fours. John was desating dangerously low and they were hoping all fours would help, it did a little and at 910 doctor Rice showed and the pushing began. I did one practice push and Doc Rice saw that John was coming out sunny side up looking straight back at her. He was stuck on my pubic bone and the with his desats the doc said very seriously that I needed to get him out, she could not use any assistance (forceps or the vacuum) and that John needed out NOW! I told her to stop talking as I was having a contraction and pushed, right at the end of the contraction out he popped. He literally flew out, the doc had to have quick hands to catch him, but out he came. He was in a little bit of shock from the fast delivery, but pinked up nicely and apgars were 8-8. Lil John joined us on Jan 8, 2011 at 9:25pm and weighed 7lbs 4.4 oz, 19 1/2 in long! He has been very opposite from Sadie, he is mellow and quiet and is eager to feed. We love so much already and glad Heavenly Father has blessed us to be in charge of this precious little life! Thank you all for your love and support!!!


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